Thursday, January 16, 2020

Welcome To 2020 and Our Missing Blog For 2 Years!

Let's celebrate our 2020 vision. We may not have 2020 vision in our eyes but we can have 2020 vision in our hearts. 💕Let this be the year we see the good in Nature, the good in Animals and the good in one another. 

Being a rescuer for decades, I have seen the worst abuses and inhumane treatment that it haunts me and never really leaves my soul. I carry it quietly because before I can even take the time to mourn, another animal calls me to help. They call me through the caring humans who feel like I do about animals. They are humanity in the best form. These humans care. These humans do not turn away and hope someone does something. They are the ones who do something. They are the ones who give me strength to carry on every day. 
The love and compassion of humans is amazing. No one has to help an animal or a human or a tree or a beetle but we do. What is our drive? What makes us do it when other turn away? Maybe we won't understand it but we feel it and our hearts are 2020. It's going to be a great year. Thank you all. 

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