I looked at these pictures and I am haunted by them. This is Ghost. The horse was adopted out by animal control a year ago, not look what condition he is in. He is in central Florida. We are north of Atlanta, GA. (http://www.savethehorses.org/)
Gas is sky high and is would cost at least $300-400. to bring him here plus all the special feed and supplements he'd need until he got healthy. This poor horse deserves a second chance. He has been the victim of a human...again. It makes me sick that animal control only has given him 24 hours but they cannot afford to keep him. It isn't animal controls fault that they have a budget. It is the person who was supposed to be caring for him who is to blame. Animal Control adopted him out in good faith. It is their obligation to make sure this doesn't happen again. If they euthanize him, he will not suffer again. It's a sad ending. I am trying to do something but I have only today to do it. Any ideas? Thought? Please
Can anyone transport? Is there anyone who can take him in Florida? Any one willing to help support Ghost or keep him permanently?
I don't know his age or breeding or ability. I really don't care. All I care about it he gets a chance to live out his life with love and proper care. What can you offer Ghost so we are not haunted by this image of his starved body that only has 24 hours unless we become his voice and his angels.
He is in Tavares, Florida animal control. denise is the officer who is trying so hard to help him find a home.
How did he get to this point without some authority,who adopted him out in good faith,knowing this?Not trying to point fingers as saving him now is the important issue but REALLY!!!!!!!!!!
I just spoke to them A "Rescue" is picking him up tomorrow. They don't know which "Rescue" and they asked me to call back and see if he has been picked up tomorrow. I hope it's a good, reputable "Rescue"!!!! I left my info. for any other horses that come into their facility. They "auction" their livestock off out of ACC, and I explained to them that we pull from the auctions.
I can't blame animal control. They don't have the man power or money but that is really horrible.
LEts start treating these cruel people the same way...maybe then the beautiful
Animals will get there day....oh yea..there is no malace in an animals heart...just a humans
I hope you can get the name and number of "the Rescue" - I think it's important that Ghost have an advocate who feels "personal" about him, and the Universe seems to have "tagged" you - "WE" can keep Ghost's story, and thus, GHOST himself, alive by sharing his story - would be good press for the Rescue, too. There are many, many people who are looking for ways to help - even if it is simply prayer and sending positive energy - I found your post on Camelot Horse Weekly. “Saving just one horse won’t change the world, but it will surely change the world for that one horse.” - unkwn Thank you for caring about one -
Please contact me if you need help. I also rescue horses. Walk on Water Ministries. Walkonwaterhorses.com
Yes, it REAL important to find out something about this "Rescue"!! Please don't let this horse go to somewhere that will just take him to auction! Please keep us all informed. We're watching.
I am in central florida and I have a rescued OTTB that was named Ghost also. I can give you the name of the rescue I got him from. Let me know what you find out about this Ghost's rescue info.
Let's just hope they are not blowing smoke....to avoid any repercussions from folks from FB calling them and chewing them out for allowing him to be in such poor condition at this point. Just shameful that this poor creature is in the state he is in. Thank you for all you do!
Has anyone found out anymore about this horse?????
This just breaks my heart. How could Ghost have been allowed to get into this condition? I hope and pray with all my heart that the rescue that picks him up can bring him back.
WHY are people allowed to do this? Most times the punishment isn't more than a slap on the wrist and often the crime is repeated. Why can't the abusers be treated to the same care they give?
God be with you, Ghost, and know you're in my heart and prayers.
Did this horse find a home. I know someone that would possibly take him.
Has he been adopted??????
I hope he has!
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